I receive an error message similar to “The access company failed to respond properly.”
When I attempt to shut down my computer after I have been connected to the Internet using AOL, my computer hangs.
Ever since I upgraded to Windows Me, either I cannot stay connected to AOL or my computer hangs after 10 or 15 minutes of use.
After I upgraded to Windows Me, when I try to connect to AOL I get an error message about “The Page Cannot Be Displayed”.
When I try to remove the America Online Service (AOL) Internet Free Trial shortcut on my desktop, why do I get an error message?
Why does AOL Setup prompt me for the Windows 98 CD-ROM in Windows Me?
Why does my computer hang when I try to use AOL and Internet Connection Sharing?
How do I fix the error message: WAOL Caused an Invalid Page Fault in Module MSVCRT.DLL?
I receive a message: “(TCP/IP) Lost Connection” when I try to download files from AOL, why?